Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Today I am writing out the rest of my March Meal Plan. I had done up until tomorrow with things that we already had around the house.... allowing myself some time to wait before hitting the stores *right* at payday. I hate the crowds, what can I say? Actually, I pretty much hate the grocery store. I don't know why. Maybe it's because right when you walk in they have a damn "cold part" as I used to call it when younger and I don't like COLD!

Anyway, last month the planning of the menu's actually WORKED! We stayed well within our budget, had lower stress levels, and didn't starve. Sounds awesome to me! Let's do it again!

Ah... planning. I see now that planning can probably save me lots of stress, time and money overall if I just settle down and do it, other than flying by the seat of my pants. Growing up is hard.

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