Friday, October 30, 2009

Putting it into the budget

One of the reasons I have not been snowballing is that I failed to put a snowball amount into my budget. Bad me. Of course, my reasons for not putting a snowball amount into the budget are based around the fact that I am earning about 50% less than I was at my last job.

That is no excuse.

Since I am still focused on all the money earned in one month being used for the next month's bills, there is no reason why I can not project an amount for a snowball in the budget and if I have not earned enough to cover that by the next month, just readjust the snowball category in the budget.

I may not have a whole lot to work with right now, but one thing is for certain: when I put the numbers in the budget I make better progress than when I leave that number at zero!

I am further behind in my debt payoff schedule than I projected not only due to losing my last job, but also because of my failure to stay committed to paying SOMETHING towards the snowball each and every month!

For the month of November, I have included a snowball payment of $130. As it stands now, I have that covered and still have two more shifts to work this month. Everything I make these next two nights will be used towards gasoline, food, and contributing to the household expenses (lights, water, heat).

Here is to planning for a brighter future!

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